全能空间 没意思
就是那里的 没见过 哦.纯路过.. 相应的路过 飘过 申请地址 申请地址: https://signu1.sslcert11.com/freesitesignup.aspx Your free website has been successfully queued. The next step is to edit the DNS for 域名 free.lovou.uni.cc to resolve to the IP We will check DNS a couple times a day and once we notice that your DNS has been properly configured, we will create your website and send the activation email to the address host@xfm.pp.ru which you provided earlier. You can come back to this website at any time to verify the status of your website by using the following url: http://signu1.sslcert11.com/FreeSiteSignupStatus.aspx
NOTE: You have 10 days to get the DNS properly configured. Once 10 days have passed without DNS being properly configured, any queued websites will be discarded.