$ 4.99=120G一年空间+2顶米
1and1.com hosting is giving one year of web hosting for free, for their Home Package.It includes registration of two domains for you, which itself is worth 20 dollars. As far as the hosting is concerned, you will be saving 5 dollars a month (60 dollars in an year).
不过需要Setup fee : $ 4.99
https://order.1and1.com/xml/order/Hosting;jsessionid=47EF3B89BBC403E1A61B6E15764AF6FF.TC60b?__frame=_top&__lf=Static&__sendingdata=1&productarea=WebHosting&linkType=btn&linkOrigin=Home you will be saving 5 dollars a month 1and1发现不是US/UK的用户不会通过注册的 不会注册。 当年推出过免费info米 围观一下 免费12个月,然后再收费? 这么好