http://free.hostultra.com/~jiahui/php.php 就是不知道稳定不 2# 屋脊据说稳定好几年了 Sorry, We are not accepting applications from your Country.
Please read our Terms of Service for a list of the countries we allow.
This does NOT mean you have done something wrong
Please make sure you have entered your correct address, country and phone number
our system verifies this information and rejects fraudulent account information! 用VPN申请也过不了 用VPN申请也过不了
屋脊 发表于 2009-8-15 15:25 http://jgwy.net/images/common/back.gif
填写资料的地址要与IP所在地一致 我是用老美的VPN,也是用老美的资料,要不麻烦LZ帮我搞一个,谢谢:D 那就不要了 7# 屋脊
具体的省和城市也要一致 ;P很多都说无限。。但你能多少呢?