悲剧了 Deletion Notice for ik.mw
Dear Sir/Madam,This is to notify you that 域名 ik.mwexpired on 2007-06-01 16:37:30 CAT as shown onhttp://www.registrar.mw/index.php?d=1&Submit=Search&domain=ik.mw. An invoice was last sent to your contacts on 2010-11-05 11:06:55 CAT but no renewal/registration payment has been made by you or your contacts.
Be informed that the grace period for this domain has now also expired and 域名 is now due for deletion. 域名 will be deleted within the next one week if no payment is made. Domains that are deleted will be listed on the website.
Thank you for choosing a .mw domain managed by Malawi SDNP
Francis Zuze
---------------------------------------------------------- 悲剧啊,和尚这么好的米要没了 不会呀,我的一切正常。 .mw注册1AP1续费都是69 出来混都是要还的 我就没成功过 - - 没还的迟早要出来混 早就还了 免费用了那么久,总算值了。 杯具啊...............