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  3. <title>类似于Flash制作的一个图片展示效果</title>

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  17. var DELAY  = 96;

  18. ////////////////////////////

  19. var object = new Array();

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  98.      run=false;

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  100.      dR = -dR;

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  104.   this.GE1 = function (N1,N2){

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  112.      ph  = H;

  113.      dw  = (Parent.W - W) / SP;

  114.      dh  = (Parent.H - H) / SP;

  115.      ipx = -L;

  116.      ipy = -T;

  117.      idx = ((x * Parent.W) - L) / SP;

  118.      idy = ((y * Parent.H) - T) / SP;

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  126.   this.DOOT = function (){

  127.    with(this){

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  129.     H =  Parent.H / NY;

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  145.     for(var i=0;i<NX*NY;i++) setTimeout("object["+N+"].object["+i+"].GE1("+N+","+i+")",i*DELAY);

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  200.   <h2>IMGBOX</h2>Click the thumbnails on the left for a larger image. The description connected to the clicked image is displayed here.<br>

  201.   <br>Note: for performance reasons, images are not resized and must be all of the same size.

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  205. <div id="imgsrc" style="visibility:hidden">

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  207. <img src="/jscode/images/20065115757878.jpg">

  208. <img src="/jscode/images/2006511581166.jpg">

  209. <img src="/jscode/images/2006511581185.jpg">

  210. <img src="/jscode/images/2006511581187.jpg">

  211. <img src="/jscode/images/2006511581588.jpg">

  212. <img src="/jscode/images/2006511581828.jpg">

  213. <img src="/jscode/images/2006511581951.jpg">

  214. <img src="/jscode/images/2006511581821.jpg">

  215. </div>

  216. <div id="txtsrc" style="visibility:hidden">

  217. <div>

  218.   <h2>the river</h2><br>Awaken from my nap by the river

  219. </div>

  220. <div>

  221.   <h2>transparency</h2><br>Its transparency was hypnotizing.

  222. </div>

  223. <div>

  224.   <h2>cold</h2><br>Currents of cold water played with light.

  225. </div>

  226. <div>

  227.   <h2>sank in</h2><br>I threw a few nuts into the river. They floated for a while, then sank in.

  228. </div>

  229. <div>

  230.   <h2>masked</h2><br>A wide stepping stone masked the water's depth.

  231. </div>

  232. <div>

  233.   <h2>a glimpse</h2><br>Later on, I had a glimpse of the river's bed.

  234. </div>

  235. <div>

  236.   <h2>forgotten</h2><br>The wheelchair made a noise. Again, I had forgotten about my legs.

  237. </div>

  238. <div>

  239.   <h2>floated</h2><br>Still, I floated in oblivion of things too real.

  240. </div>

  241. <div>

  242.   <h2>for me</h2><br>I stared fixedly at the water's open arms. The stream was singing for me.

  243. </div>

  244. </div>

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Jgwy.Com - Free Web Hosting Guide & Directory In China since 2001! Jgwy.Net-Jglt.Net

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007 年 7 月 11 日 15:07:44 | 显示全部楼层
  1. [code]<html>
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  14. <center><font color=red face="隶书" size=6>随日期变换文本</font></center>
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  24.         msgs = new Array
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  42.         msgs[18] = "每月18号的信息:"
  43.         msgs[19] = "每月19号的信息:"
  44.         msgs[20] = "每月20号的信息:"
  45.         msgs[21] = "每月21号的信息:"
  46.         msgs[22] = "每月22号的信息:"
  47.         msgs[23] = "每月23号的信息:"
  48.         msgs[24] = "每月24号的信息:"
  49.         msgs[25] = "每月25号的信息:"
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  53.         msgs[29] = "每月29号的信息:"
  54.         msgs[30] = "每月30号的信息:"
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  77. </html>
Jgwy.Com - Free Web Hosting Guide & Directory In China since 2001! Jgwy.Net-Jglt.Net

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007 年 7 月 11 日 15:07:50 | 显示全部楼层
Jgwy.Com - Free Web Hosting Guide & Directory In China since 2001! Jgwy.Net-Jglt.Net

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007 年 7 月 11 日 16:59:46 | 显示全部楼层
Jgwy.Com - Free Web Hosting Guide & Directory In China since 2001! Jgwy.Net-Jglt.Net

使用道具 举报

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