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jacker.php- <?php
- function drawer($image, $string, $x, $y, $color)
- {
- $fp = fopen("chs16.fon", "r"); //WIN98中,此文件在:\windows\command 下
- if (feof($fp))
- {
- fclose($fp);
- return 0;
- }
- // gbk
- $strings = preg_split('/((?:[\\x80-\\xFF][\\x40-\\xFF])+)/', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
- $isch = false;
- for ($p = 0, $count = count($strings); $p < $count; $p ++)
- {
- if ($isch)
- {
- $string = $strings[$p];
- for ($i = 0, $l = strlen($string) - 1; $i < $l; $i += 2)
- {
- $qh = ord($string{$i}); // get ascii code
- $offset = (94 * ($qh - 0xA0 - 1) + (ord($string{$i + 1}) - 0xA0 - 1)) * 32;
- fseek($fp, $offset, SEEK_SET);
- $buffer = unpack('n*', fread($fp, 32));
- // $buffers[$offset] = $buffer;
- for ($yy = 1, $ypos = $y; $yy <= 16; $yy ++, $ypos ++)
- {
- $bits = $buffer[$yy];
- for ($xbit = 32768, $xpos = $x; $xbit > 0; $xbit >>= 1, $xpos ++)
- {
- if ($bits & $xbit)
- {
- imagesetpixel($image, $xpos, $ypos, $color);
- }
- }
- }
- $x += 16;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- imagestring($image, 12, $x, $y, $strings[$p], $color);
- $x += strlen($strings[$p]) * 9;
- }
- $isch = !$isch;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- ?>
复制代码 读IP文本文件的代码该文件存为:ip.php:- <?
- $flag=0;
- $ip_detail=explode(".",$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
- if ($ip_detail[0]<=61) {
- $ip_data_file=61;
- }
- elseif($ip_detail[0]<=199) {
- $ip_data_file=199;
- }
- elseif($ip_detail[0]<=217){
- $ip_data_file=217;
- }
- elseif($ip_detail[0]==218){
- $ip_data_file=218;
- }
- else{
- $ip_data_file=255;
- }
- if (file_exists("ipdata/$ip_data_file.txt")) {
- $ip_fdata=fopen("ipdata/$ip_data_file.txt","r");
- }
- else {
- if(!($ip_fdata=fopen("/ipdata/0.txt","r"))) {
- die("IP 数据文件错误");
- }
- }
- for ($i=0; $i<=3; $i++) {
- $ip_detail[$i]=sprintf("%3d", $ip_detail[$i]);
- }
- while(!feof($ip_fdata)){
- $ip_data=fgets($ip_fdata,200);
- $ip_data_detail=substr($ip_data,32,strlen($ip_data)-33); //IP物理地址
- $test000=explode(".",substr($ip_data,0,16));
- $test001=explode(".",substr($ip_data,16,16));
- for($s=0;$s<=3;$s++){
- $ip0[$s]=sprintf("%3d",$test000[$s]);
- $ip1[$s]=sprintf("%3d",$test001[$s]);
- }
- if(join(".",$ip_detail)>=join(".",$ip0) and join(".",$ip_detail)<=join(".",$ip1)) {
- fclose($ip_fdata);
- $flag=1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if($flag==0){
- echo "未知地区"."<BR>".$flag;
- }
- ?>
复制代码 读一个图片文件命名为:ip.php- <?php
- header ("Content-type: image/png"); //http头
- require ("jacker.php");
- require ("ip.php");
- $image = @imagecreatefrompng ("logo.png"); // 载入图片
- $black = imagecolorallocate ($image, 0, 0, 0); // 默认黑色背景
- $white = imagecolorallocate ($image, 255, 255, 255); // 默认黑色背景
- $system=show_system();
- $browser=show_browser();
- $homepage="[url]http://www.123cha.com/bbs[/url]";
- drawer($image,$system,90,360,$white);
- drawer($image,$browser,90,378,$white);
- drawer($image,$ip,90,396,$white); //输出IP地址
- drawer($image,$ip_data_detail,90,414,$white);
- drawer($image,$homepage,90,432,$white);
- imagepng ($image); // 以png格式输出
- // 也可以用imagejpeg($im);
- // 或imagegif($im);
- // 但后者,如果GD版本高于1.6,就不能用了。
- imagedestroy ($image); // 结束,清楚所有占用的内存资源
- function show_browser(){
- $ie50 = preg_match("/MSIE 5.0/i", $b);
- $ie55 = preg_match("/MSIE 5.5/i", $b);
- $ie60 = preg_match("/MSIE 6.0/i", $b);
- $opera = preg_match("/opera/i", $b);
- if ($ie40 == 1) {
- $browser = "MSIE4.0";
- } else if ($ie50 == 1) {
- $browser = "MSIE5.0";
- } else if ($ie55 == 1) {
- $browser = "MSIE5.5";
- } else if ($ie60 == 1) {
- $browser = "MSIE6.0";
- } else if ($opera == 1) {
- $browser = "Opera";
- } else {
- $browser = "n/a";
- }
- return($browser);
- }
- function show_system(){
- $windowsxp = preg_match("/windows nt 5.1/i", $so);
- $windowsxp2 = preg_match("/windows xp/i", $so);
- $linux = preg_match("/linux/i", $so);
- $windowsme = preg_match("/win 9x 4.90/i", $so);
- $windowsme2 = preg_match("/windows me/i", $so);
- $windows2k = preg_match("/windows nt 5.0/i", $so);
- $windows2kb = preg_match("/windows 2000/i", $so);
- $windowsnt = preg_match("/windows nt 3.1/i", $so);
- $windowsnt2 = preg_match("/windows nt 3.5.0/i", $so);
- $windowsnt3 = preg_match("/windows nt 3.5.1/i", $so);
- $windowsnt4 = preg_match("/windows nt 4.0/i", $so);
- $windows98 = preg_match("/windows 98/i", $so);
- $windows95 = preg_match("/windows 95/i", $so);
- if ($windowsxp == 1 or $windowsxp2 == 1) {
- $sys = "Win XP";
- } else if ($linux == 1) {
- $sys = "Linux";
- } else if ($windowsme == 1 or $windowsme2 == 1) {
- $sys = "Win ME";
- } else if ($windows2k == 1 or $windows2kb == 1) {
- $sys = "Win 2000";
- } else if ($windowsnt == 1 or $windowsnt2 == 1 or $windowsnt3 == 1 or $windowsnt4 == 1) {
- $sys = "Win NT";
- } else if ($windows98 == 1 and $windowsme != 1) {
- $sys = "Win 98--怎么还用瘟酒吧啊";
- } else if ($windows95 == 1) {
- $sys = "Win 95--系统也太落后了吧";
- } else {
- $sys = "n/a";
- }
- return($sys);
- }
- ?>
复制代码 |