发表于 2004 年 10 月 5 日 21:57:31
I'm so <annoyed>.
Some <person> listed my site on some stupid chinese site:
I've asked for it to be removed, but all I get is an auto reply.
Theres been lots of hits, but all they are asking is FREE HOSTING, which I only occasionally give out to people.
Also, I get lots of fake support tickets, emails (PLENTY OF FREE HOSTING REQUESTS!!).
Problem is, that everytime I get an email (signup/support ticket.. etc) then it SMS's (TXT's if you'd like to call it that...) me to say I have a new email. It makes it easier to know when I get it, so the emails are responded to a lot quicket
So now I've blocked that site, so when they click on the link it won't display my site.
Still really annoyed.. and if it happens again I'm blocking all the chinese ISP's from entering.
I've had enough.
Anyone had this sort of crap come from these sort of people? |