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我的Feedburner MyBrand 开通了

发表于 2007 年 7 月 7 日 15:03:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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CNAME 设置还未生效.


You recently contacted us about activating the MyBrand service on your account.This e-mail is intended to walk you through the steps necessary to get this upand running. NOTE: This is not for the faint of heart! If you aren't surewhether you can modify DNS at your domain, or you don't have your own domainand instead maintain a blog at a hosted domain, then MyBrand is NOT for you.Since we cannot provide DNS-specific support, we'd really appreciate youreading through this entire e-mail, not simply because it took us a long timeto write it (it really did), but because it will ultimately save you time.

What MyBrand Does

MyBrand lets you create an alias at your domain so that you can "mask"your feed URL at FeedBurner. For purposes of this e-mail, we're going to assumethat your domain is "yourdomain.com" (yes, we're clever), and youhave a feed that today is at feeds.feedburner.com/BestFeedEver. Once MyBrand isactive, you can use feeds.yourdomain.com/BestFeedEver instead offeeds.feedburner.com/BestFeedEver. Cool, right?

Please note: This does not in fact change where your feed lives. Thefeeds.feedburner.com address is still valid, and feeds.yourdomain.com is justan alternate URL that users can use to access your feed. That's good news: all of your subscribers todaywill continue to get your feed content without having to resubscribe.

Several of you asked whether you could "redirect" your existingsubscribers away from the feeds.feedburner.com address to thefeeds.yourdomain.com address. Not really, no. Since they're both in fact thesame feed (you've just created an alias that points at the FeedBurner URL),redirecting from one to the other would in fact create a loop. And nobody likesloops.

Creating a CNAME

Remember when we said this wasn't for the faint of heart? This is the part wewere talking about. You need to create a CNAME for your domain. IF YOU DO NOTOWN A DOMAIN OR HAVE THE ABILITY TO MODIFY DNS FOR YOUR DOMAIN, YOU CANNOT USEMYBRAND. OK, now that the shouting is behind us, let's go ahead. Create a CNAMEfor your domain that looks something like this:

   feeds CNAME feeds.feedburner.com.

That first word is the actual subdomain for your domain. If you don't want touse "feeds" and instead you want to use "rss", you wouldsimply change "feeds" to "rss". The domain that follows theCNAME needs to be "feeds.feedburner.com.". Yes, the trailing periodis important.

If you need a pointer on creating a CNAME at your domain, here's a coupledirections at GoDaddy:http://help.godaddy.com/article.php?article_id=666&topic_id=163 . Don't useGoDaddy? Contact your domain registrar and/or webhost for more guidance. Likewe said up above, we can't help with DNS-specific issues on your domain becausethere are just too many domains out there.

Once you've done this and DNS has propagated (usually a 24-48 hour process),you should be able to type in your subdomain into a browser(feeds.yourdomain.com) and end up at FeedBurner's homepage. If that worked,congratulations. If it didn't, you might want to give your registrar/webhost ashout.

Configuring MyBrand

If you're receiving this e-mail, it means your [ffxk] account is now enabledfor MyBrand. (If you have additional accounts, you’ll need to repeat thisprocess for those accounts.) You can now go to "My Account", click on"MyBrand", and in box 3, enter in the full subdomain you created in the CNAME step upabove (i.e., "feeds.yourdomain.com"). Click "save" and fromthat point forward, every feed in your account will be addressable under yourdomain. You may add up to five subdomains for your account(feeds.yourdomain.com, feeds.yourotherdomain.com,feeds.howmanydomainsdoyoureallyneed.com, etc.) - note that any feeds in youraccount will be addressable under any of the subdomains you add:feeds.yourdomain.com/BestFeedEver and feeds.yourotherdomain.com/BestFeedEverwill both point to the same feed.

A note about redirecting

Those of you using the FeedSmith plugin for WordPress, or who use a server-sideredirect to redirect feed subscribers from your site to ours, can update thoseredirects to use your new MyBranded URL. Just go into the control panel foryour plugin, or into the .htaccess file for your site, and update theFeedBurner URL from our domain to yours.

Where to go for more help

In the event any of this wasn't clear, please head on over to the Forums(http://forums.feedburner.com/). You'll get an answer quickly, we promise. (Onthe other hand, if we didn't do a good job explaining things in this e-mail,let us know.)

Thanks so much for continuing to use FeedBurner, and for your interest intaking advantage of the MyBrand service. Keep in touch!


Rick Klau
Strategic Partner Development

[ 本帖最后由 大傻的老师 于 2007-7-7 15:04 编辑 ]
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