发表于 2009 年 3 月 4 日 00:22:45

Web : http://org.cn nebo http://www.org.cn
HTTPS : https://org.cn nebo https://www.org.cn
HomeDir : /DISK2/WWW/org.cn
PHP : .php, .php3, .php4, .inc a .phtml
ASP : .asp
JSP : .jsp, .jhtml a .do
Servlets : /servlet
It is necessary to set up the activation of ASP and JSP scripts at the
domain administration.
Administration : https://admin.org.cn
Login : org.cn
Password : *****
About password reset to administration you can request on
https://admin.org.cn/401.phtml .
FTP Server : ftp.org.cn
WebFTP : http://webftp.org.cn
FTP Login : org.cn
FTP Password : *****
Readonly FTP account with a daily web back-up and data base:
backup.pipni.cz (login and password the same as into the administration)
You will establish a new subdomain by creating a directory in the root
directory. The possibility to use an FTPS SSL protocol (port 21).
Statistics : http://stats.org.cn
Login : org.cn
Password : *****
You can change password 域名 administration.
You will find access logs on the back-up FTP server.
WebMail : http://mail.org.cn
POP3 Server : mail.org.cn
IMAP Server : mail.org.cn
SMTP Server : mail.org.cn
Login : name@org.cn
The possibility to use SSL protocols - POP3S (port 995), SMTPS (port 25)
and IMAPS (port 993).
Create individual e-mail mailboxes in 域名 administration first.
Default settings of SpamAssassin is 5 for marking and 10 for rejection.
MySQL Server : mysql
MySQL Database : org_cn or name_org_cn
MySQL Login : org.cn nebo name.org.cn
MySQL WebAdmin : http://mysql.org.cn
Postgres Server : pgsql
Postgres Datab醇@ze : name.org.cn
Postgres Login : name.org.cn
Postgres WebAdmin : http://pgsql.org.cn
FireBird Server : fbsql
FireBird Datab醇@ze : name.org.cn
FireBird Login : name.org.cn
FireBird WebAdmin : http://fbsql.org.cn
Create individual databases in 域名 administration first.
File 404 NotFound : /subdomain/404.phtml
File 403 AccessDenied : /subdomain/403.phtml
File 401 Unauthorized : /subdomain/401.phtml
File 406 MethodNotAcceptable : /subdomain/406.phtml
File 500 ServerError : /subdomain/500.phtml
Forum : http://forum.pipni.cz
Monitoring : http://monitoring.pipni.cz
NNTP : news://news.pipni.cz
NNTP Login : email specified during registration to PIPNI forum.
Possibility using SSL protocol NNTPS (port 563).
DNS servers : ns.pipni.cz ( and ns2.pipni.cz (
Idtech for Czech domain is PIPNI.
We would be very pleased if you recommended our service to your business
partners and friends.
PIPNI s.r.o.
Karlovo namest醇^ 16
120 00 Praha 2
E-mail : pipni@pipni.cz
URL : http://www.pipni.cz |