发表于 2009 年 7 月 10 日 15:36:54

6618不在,村姑自己汉化下- <?
- $lang_charset='UTF-8';
- $lang_version='7.2';
- $lang_date='1188739244';
- define('ADD_USER_EMAIL','Email');
- define('ADD_USER_NAME','Your name');
- define('ADD_USER_PASS','Password');
- define('AD_ADD_ANOTHER','Submit another ad');
- define('AD_DETAILS_TEXT','Ad Details');
- define('AD_VIEWS','Ad views');
- define('CATEGORY','Category');
- define('CHANGE_USER','Change info');
- define('CHECK','Check');
- define('CHOOSE_CAT','Choose Category');
- define('DATE_ADDED','Added');
- define('DAYS','days');
- define('DELETE_BUTTON','Delete');
- define('DESCRIPTION','Description');
- define('ERR_ADD','Error: Field incomplete.');
- define('FILENAME','Filename');
- define('GENERAL_DETAILS','General details');
- define('HITS_TEXT','Hits');
- define('HOME','Home');
- define('LA_ABB','Membership duration (in months)');
- define('LA_ABOUT','About Us');
- define('LA_ABOUT_DE','Some text here..');
- define('LA_ACTION','Action');
- define('LA_AD','Ad');
- define('LA_ADDED_FAV','Added to your Favorites');
- define('LA_ADD_AD','Add Ad');
- define('LA_ADD_ADCAT','Add ad to this category');
- define('LA_ADD_AN','Add another ad');
- define('LA_ADD_FAV','Add to your Favorites');
- define('LA_ADD_USER_SESSION','New user? Please register first.');
- define('LA_ADID','Ad id');
- define('LA_ADMIN','Admin front page');
- define('LA_ADMIN_FRONTPAGE','Front admin');
- define('LA_ADMIN_MENU','Administration menu');
- define('LA_ADMMENU','Administration menu');
- define('LA_ADS_FROM_USER','Ads from %1%');
- define('LA_ADVANCED','Advanced search');
- define('LA_ADVERTISE','Advertise');
- define('LA_AD_EDIT','Edit this ad');
- define('LA_AD_EXPIRE','Ad expires');
- define('LA_AD_IS_RENEWED','The ad was renewed with %1% days.');
- define('LA_PAY_MANUAL_INFO','Please write down this order id on the check:');
- define('LA_AD_IS_SOLD','This ad is marked as Sold');
- define('LA_AD_LENGTH','Run length (Ad)');
- define('LA_AD_REMOVED_CAPTION','Ad removed or not yet approved');
- define('LA_AD_REMOVED_CONTENT','The ad does not seem to exist anymore. Please return to <a href="%1%">our homepage</a>.');
- define('LA_AFTER','after');
- define('LA_ALL','All');
- define('LA_ALREADY_LOGGED','Notice');
- define('LA_ALREADY_LOGGED_DESC','You are already logged in. Click <a href="member.php">here</a> to go to your control panel.');
- define('LA_ALREADY_PAYED','This invoice is already marked as paid, since it had the same reference-number as your last payment.');
- define('LA_ALREADY_VALIDATED_C','Our system shows that you already are validated. Please login with your username/password.');
- define('LA_ALREADY_VALIDATED_H','Already validated?');
- define('LA_ALREADY_VOTED','You have already voted. Rating is not changed.');
- define('LA_AND','and');
- define('LA_APPROVE_MSG','Webmaster has now approved you as a member, and you may login at %1%. <br /><br />Regards,<br />%2%');
- define('LA_APPROVE_TITLE','You are approved');
- define('LA_AVG_GRADE_ITEMS','Average grade (on ads from this seller)');
- define('LA_AVG_GRADE_SELLER','Average grade (this seller)');
- define('LA_BAD_WORDS','Banned word in ad text. Please review your language.');
- define('LA_BE','Top Rated');
- define('LA_BEST_RATED','Top Rated');
- define('LA_BEST_RATED_DESCR','Top rated ads, ordered by grade');
- define('LA_BETWEEN','Between');
- define('LA_BLOCKED_LOGIN','Access to this site is denied');
- define('LA_BROWSE','Browse Pictures');
- define('LA_BUY_CREDITS','You have selected to pay for <b>%1%</b> credit(s), at the price of <b>%2%</b> %3%.');
- define('LA_BUY_CREDITS_2','In order to be directed to our payment gateway, please click the BUY button below. After successful payment, you will be redirected to this site and your credits will be increased.');
- define('LA_CALL','Call');
- define('LA_CAT','Category');
- define('LA_CATEGORIES','Categories');
- define('LA_CAT_NEXT','Next');
- define('LA_CAT_PREV','Previous');
- define('LA_CHANGE','Change');
- define('LA_CHANGE_INFO','Save');
- define('LA_CHANGE_PASS','Change password');
- define('LA_CHOOSE','Choose what to do next:');
- define('LA_CHOOSE_CAT','Please choose the appropriate category for your ad. <br />You may either browse for it, or just select from the drop down list that will appear when you click on it.');
- define('LA_CHOOSE_PAY','Choose the payment service you wish to use by clicking the appropriate logo below (will open a new window)');
- define('LA_CHOOSE_PAY_2','When the payment gateway notifies the site administrator, your account will be updated.');
- define('LA_CHOOSE_PKG','Select a credits package');
- define('LA_CLICKBANK_BUY','You have opted to buy {CREDITS} credits.');
- define('LA_CLOSE','Close window');
- define('LA_COLL_All','Collapse All');
- define('LA_CONDITIONS','I agree to %1% conditions </a>');
- define('LA_CONDITIONS_MANDATORY','You need to accept conditions');
- define('LA_CONFIRM_EMAIL','Before you can continue, you must verify your email address by clicking on the link sent to your mailbox.');
- define('LA_CONTACTED_YOU','People who have contacted you');
- define('LA_CONTACT_MAIL','You must provide an valid email address.');
- define('LA_CONTACT_MSG','Message');
- define('LA_CONTACT_SALE','Contact seller');
- define('LA_COUNTRY','Country');
- define('LA_CREDITS_REMAINING','You have remaining credits:');
- define('LA_CREDITS_WARNING','You are out of credits and may not continue before you have bougth a new package.');
- define('LA_CREDITS_WARNING2','You will not be able to submit this ad before it is done.');
- define('LA_CRE_REMAIN','Credits remaining');
- define('LA_CURRENT','Current Pictures is');
- define('LA_CURRENT_RATE','Current score is');
- define('LA_CURR_GRADE','Current rating');
- define('LA_DEL','Delete');
- define('LA_DELETE','Delete');
- define('LA_DELETED','Your ad (including pictures/videos/favorites) has been deleted.');
- define('LA_DELETE_ME','Delete my registration and delete my ads.');
- define('LA_DEL_DOC1','Delete document');
- define('LA_DEL_IMG','One picture deleted.');
- define('LA_DEL_IMG1','Delete Picture');
- define('LA_DEL_IMG_NOW','Delete Image');
- define('LA_DEL_VID1','Delete video');
- define('LA_DO_YOU_REAL','Do you really want to perform deletion?');
- define('LA_EDIT','Edit ad');
- define('LA_EDIT_AD','Edit ad(s)');
- define('LA_EMAIL','Ad Interest: %6%');
- define('LA_EMAIL_BODY','Hi %1%!<br /><br />%2% has sent the following message to you:<br />%3%<br /><br />Emailaddress: %4%<br /><br />Internet IP: %5%<br /><br />http://%9%/detail.php?id=%7%<br /><br /><br />Regards,<br />%8%<br />http://%9%<br />');
- define('LA_EMAIL_FORGOTTEN_PASSWORD','Email sent to: %1%');
- define('LA_EMPTY','Do not want to answer');
- define('LA_ERROR','Error');
- define('LA_ERROR_MSG1','You must enter a title.');
- define('LA_ERROR_MSG2','Please enter a description.');
- define('LA_ERROR_MSG20','That email address is already registered. Please enter a different one.');
- define('LA_ERROR_MSG21','Email address contains illegal characters. Try again.');
- define('LA_ERROR_MSG22','Passwords supplied do not match, try again.');
- define('LA_ERROR_MSG23','Sorry, our system cannot recognize this type of email address.');
- define('LA_ERROR_MSG24','The password can麓t containt blanks or be of less number of characters than %1%.');
- define('LA_ERROR_MSG3','You must choose a category for your ad.');
- define('LA_ERROR_MSG30','Your emailadress and/or IP is banned from our site.');
- define('LA_ERROR_MSG5','You must enter a name.');
- define('LA_ERROR_MSG8','You must enter an email address.');
- define('LA_ERROR_MSG88','You must enter a message.');
- define('LA_ERROR_MSG9','You must enter a password.');
- define('LA_ERROR_NO_ID','No AD-id was supplied through the URL. Please inform the webmaster linking to this page.');
- define('LA_EXPAND_ALL','Expand All');
- define('LA_EXPIRES','Membership expires');
- define('LA_EXPIRE_AD_SOON_MSG','Your ad with title "%4%" is going to expire at %6%.<br /><br />If you would like to extend your ad, you will need to log into your control panel and renew it from the ad-list view. Use %2% as your username.<br /><br />URL to ad:<br />%5%<br /><br />Regards,<br />%3%');
- define('LA_EXPIRE_AD_SOON_TITLE','您好 %1%. An ad is about to expire.');
- define('LA_FAVOURITE','Favorite');
- define('LA_NOTIFY_SAVED','Your notify options are saved!');
- define('LA_FAV_UPD','Your favorites list has been updated.');
- define('LA_FIELD','Field');
- define('LA_FILENAME','Filename:');
- define('LA_FIND_ADS','and find ads posted by the');
- define('LA_FIND_ADS2','by his/her email');
- define('LA_FINISH','Finish ad');
- define('LA_FORGOT','Type your emailaddress below, and a new, temporary password will be sent directly to your mailbox.');
- define('LA_FORGOTTEN_PASSWORD','Forgot your password?');
- define('LA_FORGOT_MAIL_MSG1','Your new temporary password is');
- define('LA_FORGOT_MAIL_MSG2','For security purposes, you should change this password as soon as you log in.');
- define('LA_FORGOT_MAIL_MSG3','<br />Regards, <br />%1%<br />%2%');
- define('LA_FORGOT_MAIL_SUBJECT','Forgotten password');
- define('LA_FORGOT_NOTF','We could not find a user with the email address %1%, so no password has been sent.');
- define('LA_FORGOT_SEND_MAIL_BODY','You have received a new password. The new password is:<br />%1%<br /><br />You can log in at:<br />%2%<br /><br />Regards,<br />%3%');
- define('LA_FORGOT_SEND_MAIL_TITLE','Send to me');
- define('LA_FORGOT_SENT_MSG','An email with your new password has now been sent to %1%. Please check your mailbox.');
- define('LA_FOR_MORE_INFO','page for more information.');
- define('LA_FROM_HERE1','From here, you can manage your ads, pictures, videos and contact information.');
- define('LA_FROM_HERE2','Please choose your action from the menu on the left hand side.');
- define('LA_FROM_HERE3','If you have any questions, please contact us at %1%.');
- define('LA_FRONTPAGE','Front page');
- define('LA_FULLNAME','Full name');
- define('LA_GRADE','Grade');
- define('LA_GRADES','To vote, please select a rating between 1 and 10, where 10 is best.');
- define('LA_GRADE_DETAIL','Grade');
- define('LA_GRADE_IS','Rating is');
- define('LA_GRADE_PERSON','This user');
- define('LA_GRANTED_TITLE','Granted access to %2%');
- define('LA_HELP','Help');
- define('LA_HELP_DE','Description');
- define('LA_HIDE_EMAIL','Hide my email address (a contact form will be provided instead)');
- define('LA_IMAGES','Images');
- define('LA_IMG_VER','Image verification code');
- define('LA_IMG_VER2','Please type the code from the image above');
- define('LA_IMG_VER_FAILED','You didn麓t type the verification code correctly.');
- define('LA_IN','in');
- define('LA_INFO_CHANGED','Information updated.');
- define('LA_IN_ORDER','in order to post ad!');
- define('LA_ITEMS_SOLD','Number of items sold');
- define('LA_I_DO','Yes, I do');
- define('LA_I_WANT','Upload Picture');
- define('LA_JOIN_AND_SUBM','Login or Join us now, and submit YOUR ad');
- define('LA_KB','kb');
- define('LA_KONTAKT','Contact owner');
- define('LA_LARGE_PIC','Large Picture');
- define('LA_LARGE_PIC_CLOSE','Close window');
- define('LA_LATEST','Latest ads');
- define('LA_LATEST_DESCR','Our newest ads submitted.');
- define('LA_LINK','External link');
- define('LA_LOGGED_IN','Logged in as %1%');
- define('LA_LOGIN','Log in');
- define('LA_LOGIN_SUCCESS','You are now logged in as');
- define('LA_LOGIN_TEXT','In order to have access to add ads, use favorites and more, you must login below, or sign up to become a member.');
- define('LA_LOG_OUT','Log out');
- define('LA_MAILADDRESS','Email address');
- define('LA_MAIN_MESSAGE','Here you can get in touch with');
- define('LA_MAIN_MESSAGE2','and with email address');
- define('LA_MAND','is mandatory.');
- define('LA_MEMBER_AREA','Member Area');
- define('LA_MEMBER_LOGIN','Member Login');
- define('LA_MEMBER_SERVICE','Member service');
- define('LA_MEM_GAL','<b>Member Gallery</b><br />Gallery is only for registered members. Please login below:');
- define('LA_MESSAGE_COMMENT','Comments from the sender below.');
- define('LA_MESSAGE_MSG','%1% wanted to tell you about this ad:<br /><br />%3%<br /><br />This person also left a message for you:<br />%2%<br /><br />Message was sent 来自:<br />%4%.');
- define('LA_MESSAGE_SENT','Message sent to');
- define('LA_MESSAGE_SUBJECT','A tip from a friend about an ad');
- define('LA_MISSING_VERIFY','No verifycode in url');
- define('LA_MORE_CREDITS','Request more credits here:');
- define('LA_MOST','Top ads');
- define('LA_MOST_VIEWED','Most Viewed Ads');
- define('LA_MOST_VIEWED_DESCR','Here you find the most visited ads in our system.');
- define('LA_MUSTBEOWNER','<b>Error:</b><br />You must be the owner to edit this item!');
- define('LA_MY_FAV','My Favorites');
- define('LA_N','Next');
- define('LA_NE','News / Hide mail');
- define('LA_NEED_LOGIN','You need to be logged in as a member in order to use this.');
- define('LA_NEED_LOGIN_NOTICE','Note: when using this form, your data will be submitted to a new window. Close this window afterwards.');
- define('LA_NEED_TO','<b>Validation Required</b><br />To log in, you must use the link emailed to you by the system.');
- define('LA_NEWS','News / Hide mail:');
- define('LA_NEW_AD','New Ad');
- define('LA_NEW_AD_INFO','New ad : %2%');
- define('LA_NEW_AD_INFORM','A new ad has just been added with the title:<br />%2%<br /><br />Link to ad:<br />%4%<br /><br />Added from IP %5%.');
- define('LA_NEW_IMAGE','Upload another picture');
- define('LA_NEW_MEMBER_MSG','A new member has just joined:<br />%1%<br /><br />Email:<br />%2%<br /><br />Added from ip %4% at %3%.');
- define('LA_NEW_MEMBER_TITLE','New member : %1%');
- define('LA_NEW_PASS1','New password');
- define('LA_NEW_PASS2','New password (confirm)');
- define('LA_NEW_USER_MAIL_MSG','You are now a registered member and may submit your own ads.<br /><br />');
- define('LA_NEW_USER_MAIL_MSG2','Please log in at:<br />%1%<br /><br />Username:<br />%2%<br /><br />密码:<br />%3%<br /><br />Regards,<br />%4%');
- define('LA_NEW_USER_MAIL_MSG2_VAL','%1%<br /><br />Regards,<br />%2%');
- define('LA_NEW_USER_MAIL_MSG_VAL','Before you can log into your account, you must verify your registration by clicking the link below:<br />');
- define('LA_NEW_USER_MAIL_TITLE','Welcome to %1%!');
- define('LA_NEXT_N','Next page');
- define('LA_NEXT_SLIDE','Next slide:');
- define('LA_NOCHANGE','No change');
- define('LA_NOTF','Sorry, we could not find a user with that email address and verification number.');
- define('LA_NOTF2','Have you already been validated ?');
- define('LA_NOTIFY','Notify New Ads');
- define('LA_NOTIFY_DES','Check categories you want to be subscribed to. You will get an email each time a new ad appears in your selected categories.');
- define('LA_NOTIFY_WATCH_MSG','Hi %7%. <br /><br />You have selected to be notified about ads in the %2% category and there has just been submitted one.<br /><br />%4%<br />%5%<br /><br />%6%<br /><br />Regards, <br />%9%<br /><br />%8%');
- define('LA_NOTIFY_WATCH_TIT','Notify: New item in one of your subsribed categories');
- define('LA_NOTLOGGED','<b>Error:</b><br />You need to be logged in to access this.');
- define('LA_NOT_AUTHORIZED','<b>Not logged in</b><br />We could not find a user with that email address and password.');
- define('LA_NOT_PAID','Not Paid');
- define('LA_NOT_PERMIT','You have tried to post ad to a category that does allow ads.');
- define('LA_NOT_WARNED','This ad is not yet set to expire, so you can麓t renew it yet.');
- define('LA_NOT_YET_ADS','无广告 in this category. Would you like to add one?');
- define('LA_NOT_YET_ADS_MORE','You must <a href="member_login.php">login</a> in order to add an ad. If you are not registered already, why not <a href="register.php">join us</a>?');
- define('LA_NOT_YET_ADS_MY','Currently, you have 无广告 online.<p />You may <a href="choose_cat.php">add one now</a>.');
- define('LA_NO_ADS','<p>No links in this category. Maybe you would like yours to be the first one?</p><p><a href="member_login.php">Login here</a>, or <a href="register.php">sign up</a> in order to post ad!</p>');
- define('LA_NO_ADS_MEMBER','<p>No links in this category. Maybe you would like to be the first one ?</p><p><a href="item.php?catid">Add ad to this category</a></p>');
- define('LA_NO_EMAIL_PLEASE','I do not want to receive the email newsletter.');
- define('LA_NO_MOREPIC','Picture limit reached. No more images allowed for this ad.');
- define('LA_NO_ORDER','No orders placed yet. But you are welcome <a href="payment_options.php">to do so now</a>.');
- define('LA_NO_PIC','You have not selected a picture from your hard drive.');
- define('LA_NO_PIC_THIS_CAT','No pictures on ads in this category');
- define('LA_NO_SPAM','You have already sent a Tell-a-friend mail to that email address with the same link.');
- define('LA_NO_VERIFY','No verification code given. Make sure that you have copied the entire link from your email client.');
- define('LA_NO_VOTES','No votes registered yet.');
- define('LA_NUMBER_OF_HITS','Number of ad hits');
- define('LA_NUMBER_OF_ITEMS','Number of items');
- define('LA_ONLY','only');
- define('LA_ONLYGIFJPG','Only .gif and .jpg images may be uploaded.');
- define('LA_ONLY_STAR','Adverts are only allowed in categories marked with *.');
- define('LA_ONLY_STAR_TREE','Adverts are only allowed in categories marked with *. Click on the + symbol to expand and see allowed categories.');
- define('LA_OR','or');
- define('LA_ORDER','Order');
- define('LA_ORDERED','Ordered');
- define('LA_ORDER_HISTORY','Order History');
- define('LA_ORDER_HISTORY_DESCR','This is a list of the last 10 orders you have made.');
- define('LA_OUT_OF_CREDITS','Out of credits');
- define('LA_P','Previous');
- define('LA_PACKAGE','Package');
- define('LA_PACKAGE_FOR','package for');
- define('LA_PAID','Paid');
- define('LA_PAID_MEMBERSHIP','Purchase Payment Packages');
- define('LA_PAID_MEMBERSHIP_DESCR','Please choose a package that suits your needs. You will be able to pay by creditcard afterwards.');
- define('LA_PAID_MORE','We have recieved your payment, and your credits has been added!');
- define('LA_PASS1','Password (min. %1% characters)');
- define('LA_PASS2','Confirm password');
- define('LA_PASS_NOT_MATCH','Passwords do not match !');
- define('LA_PASS_SUCCESS','Password is now changed');
- define('LA_PAYLINK_DESCR','Payment for Classifieds ads at %1%. Order for %2% credit(s).');
- define('LA_PAYMENT','Payment');
- define('LA_PAYMENT_FAILED','For some reason, the merchant did not confirm a successful transaction.');
- define('LA_PAYMENT_OPT1','Order more credits here. One credit equals one ad with picture(s).');
- define('LA_PAYMENT_OPT2','Please select one of the credit card providers below, then choose how many credits you want:');
- define('LA_PAYMENT_PIC_REMAINS','Pictures allowed per ad');
- define('LA_PAY_BOLD_ADS','Bold Ad Title');
- define('LA_PAY_BOLD_ADS_REMAINS','Bold Ads remaining');
- define('LA_PAY_COST','Cost for this category:');
- define('LA_PAY_CREDITS','credit(s).');
- define('LA_PAY_CREDITS_BAL','Current Balance:');
- define('LA_PAY_GO','Continue');
- define('LA_PAY_GWAY','Please choose payment gateway by clicking the circle, and click Continue. You will be redirected to our payment vendor.');
- define('LA_PAY_INFORM_MESSAGE','The user %1% has just made an order at %2%.<br /><br />Order URL used was:<br />%3%.<br /><br />User requesting order had ip:<br />%4%');
- define('LA_PAY_INFORM_SUBJECT','Notification: New order made');
- define('LA_PAY_INVALID_DESC','Your transactions was reported to be invalid. This may have many different reasons, but please try again a little later.');
- define('LA_PAY_INVALID_HEAD','Payment Error');
- define('LA_PAY_MAUAL','Pay by check');
- define('LA_PAY_NUM_CREDITS','credits/ads');
- define('LA_PAY_NUM_SUBSCR','days of membership');
- define('LA_PAY_NUM_SUBSCR_无限','无限 number of ads');
- define('LA_PAY_PENDING_DESC','Your payment gateway told us that your payment is pending/awaiting.');
- define('LA_PAY_PENDING_HEAD','Payment Pending');
- define('LA_PAY_PREMIUM','Premium Ad (Extra list)');
- define('LA_PAY_PROBLEM','A required field was not logged into the database. Please contact webmaster.');
- define('LA_PAY_REVERSED_DESC','The money has been refunded.');
- define('LA_PAY_REVERSED_HEAD','Payment Reversed');
- define('LA_PAY_VENDOR','Own logo');
- define('LA_PAY_VENDOR2','Link to homepage');
- define('LA_PAY_WYSIWYG','WYSIWG Editor');
- define('LA_PICSMALLER','Picture must be smaller than');
- define('LA_PICTURE_GALLERY','Picture Gallery');
- define('LA_PICUTE_GALLERY_TEXT','Browse all ads with pictures here. Click the picture to see the ad.');
- define('LA_PIC_UPL','<b>Picture upload?</b><br />You may now upload a picture to your ad.');
- define('LA_PIC_UPLOAD','Picture Upload');
- define('LA_POSTED_BEFORE','The ad with title %1% has already been posted by you, and can麓t be posted again.');
- define('LA_PREMIUM','Premium Ads');
- define('LA_PREV_N','Prev page');
- define('LA_PRICE','Price');
- define('LA_PRINT','Print');
- define('LA_PRINT_CLEAN','Printed %1% at %2% from URL %3%');
- define('LA_PURCHASE','Buy!');
- define('LA_QUICK_NAV','Quick Navigation');
- define('LA_RATE','Rate this');
- define('LA_RATE_PERSON','Rate %1%');
- define('LA_RECIEVER','Receiver');
- define('LA_REF_FAILED','Your browser did not report correct refereer (disable Norton and push Refresh in browser).');
- define('LA_REG','Register');
- define('LA_REMOVED_FAV','Removed from your Favorites');
- define('LA_REMOVE_FAV','Remove From Favorites');
- define('LA_REMOVE_SESSION','Click here to remove session information.');
- define('LA_RENEW','Renew');
- define('LA_RENEW_AD','Renew');
- define('LA_RET','Return to front page');
- define('LA_RETURN_ADMIN','Return to my admin area');
- define('LA_RSS_FEED','RSS Feed');
- define('LA_RSS_FEED_CAT','RSS Feed Category');
- define('LA_RSS_FEED_POPUP','RSS is a nice way to easy let webmasters share info of new ads, or even let common users read news from our website in the way they want to.');
- define('LA_RSS_FEED_POPUP2','The link to our RSS source file is:');
- define('LA_RSS_FEED_POPUP3','For more information, check out <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS_Feed">Wikipedia</a>.');
- define('LA_RUNDAYS','How many days do you want your ad to run?');
- define('LA_SAVE','Save');
- define('LA_SEARCH','Search');
- define('LA_SEARCH_DESCR','Search, and you shall find...');
- define('LA_SEARCH_RESULT','Search results (if any)');
- define('LA_SELLER','Seller');
- define('LA_SENDER','Sender');
- define('LA_SENT_FROM','Sent from');
- define('LA_SENT_MESSAGE','We have now sent a message to %1%.');
- define('LA_SESSION_REMOVE','<b>Session info</b><br />We have now removed information stored in your browser.<p />');
- define('LA_SHOW_SHOW','Click here to Run SlideShow');
- define('LA_SHOW_STILL','Click here for Still images');
- define('LA_SIGN_UP','sign up');
- define('LA_SIMILAR','Similar ads');
- define('LA_SIMILAR_ADS','Ads from this seller');
- define('LA_SIZE','Size');
- define('LA_SLIDESHOW','Slideshow');
- define('LA_SMALL_FACTS','Small facts:');
- define('LA_SOLD','Sold');
- define('LA_SOLD_MARKED','Ad %1% is now marked as sold.');
- define('LA_SPECIAL_LISTING_1','Special listing puts your ad on the front page and the price is only');
- define('LA_SPECIAL_TEXT','Order of Special ad for ad number');
- define('LA_STATUS','Status');
- define('LA_SUBMIT_AD','Submit Ad');
- define('LA_SUCCESS','Success!');
- define('LA_SUCCESSREG','Registration successful');
- define('LA_SUCCESSREG2','You are now a registered user and may submit ads from your control panel.');
- define('LA_SUCCESSREG3','Click here to continue');
- define('LA_SUCCESS_2','You are now validated and you may <a href="member.php">access member area</a>.');
- define('LA_SUGGEST','Enter your main or sub-category suggestions below');
- define('LA_SUGGESTION_SENT','Your suggestion has been sent to the webmaster.');
- define('LA_S_BAR','We have a total of %1% users and %2% ads. There have been %3% ad views.');
- define('LA_S_CATEGORY','In category');
- define('LA_S_NUM_RES','and show');
- define('LA_S_NUM_RES2','results per page');
- define('LA_TELL_A_FRIEND','Tell-a-friend');
- define('LA_TELL_ERROR','Either sender or receiver email address is not a valid email address. No email sent.');
- define('LA_TELL_WELCOME','Tell a friend about this ad by entering their email address, your own and any comments you wish to add.<br />We will include the URL to this ad, so don麓t bother typing it.');
- define('LA_TERMS','Terms of Use');
- define('LA_TERMS_DE','<b>Please respect our rules</b><br />You may not make trouble<ol><li>Be nice</li><li>Enjoy</li></ol>');
- define('LA_THANKS','Thanks!');
- define('LA_TOTAL_ADS','Total number of ads');
- define('LA_TO_ADDCRE','To add credits, visit our {PAYMENTPAGE}.');
- define('LA_TREE_NAV','Browse Navigation');
- define('LA_TYPE','Type');
- define('LA_UNSOLD','Unsold');
- define('LA_UNSOLD_MARKED','Ad %1% is now marked as unsold.');
- define('LA_UPDATED_AD_INFO','Modified ad : %2%');
- define('LA_UPDATED_AD_INFORM','An ad has just been updated with new information. <br /><br />Title:<br />%2%<br /><br />Link to ad:<br />%4%<br /><br />Modified from ip %5%.');
- define('LA_UPDATED_CRE','We have now received your payment and %1% credits have been added to your account.');
- define('LA_UPLOADED_FILE','Uploaded file');
- define('LA_UPLOAD_BUTTON','Upload');
- define('LA_UPLOAD_DOC','Upload Docs');
- define('LA_UPLOAD_DOC_LIMIT','Your document must be less than %1% kb in size.');
- define('LA_UPLOAD_DOC_STATUS','You have uploaded %1% documents(s) of %2% allowed. <br />We allow the following file types:<li type="square">Winzip (.zip)</li><li type="square">PDF</li><li type="square">Word</li>');
- define('LA_UPLOAD_ERROR1','The picture you tried to upload is far too small or too large.');
- define('LA_UPLOAD_ERROR2','The picture you tried to upload is too large. Decrease the image file size and re-submit.');
- define('LA_UPLOAD_HEADING','Upload');
- define('LA_UPLOAD_LIMIT','Your picture must be less than %1% kb in size.');
- define('LA_UPLOAD_NOT_ALLOWED','We only accept upload of %1%.');
- define('LA_UPLOAD_STATUS','You have uploaded %1% picture(s) of %2% allowed.');
- define('LA_UPLOAD_SUCCESS','Picture has been uploaded');
- define('LA_UPLOAD_VIDEO','Upload Video');
- define('LA_UPLOAD_VIDEO_LIMIT','Your video must be less than %1% kb in size.');
- define('LA_UPLOAD_VIDEO_STATUS','You have uploaded %1% video(s) of %2% allowed. <br />We allow the following media types:<li type="square">MS Windows Media Player videos (.wma/.avi)</li><li type="square">Real Player videos (.ram/.ra)</li><li type="square">QuickTime Player videos (.mov/.mpg)</li>');
- define('LA_UP_ER1','Wrong filetype. Only .gif, .png or .jpeg pictures please.');
- define('LA_UP_ER1_VIDEO','Wrong filetype, we do not allow files with that extentsion to be uploaded. Please try again.');
- define('LA_UP_ER2','Technical error: File has not been uploaded.');
- define('LA_UP_ER3','File is to big. Please reduce the image and try again.');
- define('LA_UP_ER4','Could not find a suiteable file ending.');
- define('LA_UP_ER5','Could not move the file to storge area. Webmaster: chech permission on image folder.');
- define('LA_UP_ER6','ImageProgram ImageMagick or GD failed. Check that it is working.');
- define('LA_UP_UNKNOWN','Unknown error. Please try again');
- define('LA_UP_VID','video(s)');
- define('LA_URL_NOT_VALID','The image url given (%1%), does not exist. Please change, and try again.');
- define('LA_USER_IS_DELETED','User with ads/pictures is now deleted');
- define('LA_VAL_MSG','Hi %1%, one of your ads are now approved<br />%6%');
- define('LA_VAL_TTL','Ad validated');
- define('LA_VALIDATION_WAIT','Please note that all ads are subject to approval by administrator before you can see your ad.');
- define('LA_VENDOR_HOMEPAGE','Vendor Homepage URL (include http://)');
- define('LA_VENDOR_IMAGE','Vendor logo');
- define('LA_VERIFY','Verify email address');
- define('LA_VIDEO_UPLOAD_SUCCESS','Upload success.');
- define('LA_VIDEO_UP_SUCCESS','Video has been uploaded');
- define('LA_VIEW_AD','View this ad');
- define('LA_VIEW_L','Latest ads');
- define('LA_VISITS_TOAD','Visits to your ad(s)');
- define('LA_VISIT_OUR','Visit our');
- define('LA_VOTED','Your vote has been registered.');
- define('LA_VOTE_ON_YOURSELF','You can麓t vote on yourself!');
- define('LA_VOTERS_HAVE','voters have given their opinion.');
- define('LA_VOTES','votes');
- define('LA_VOTES_NOW','Votes');
- define('LA_WAIT_APP','<b>Awaiting approval</b><br />You cannot log in until the site administrator approves you.');
- define('LA_WANT_BROWSE','browse for correct category');
- define('LA_WANT_SELECT','select from dropdown');
- define('LA_WAP_DESCR','You can see the 10 most recent ads at our site through a WAP celluar/mobile phone. In order to do so, type in the URL given below.');
- define('LA_WAP_DESCR2','See also our');
- define('LA_WAP_NAV','WAP');
- define('LA_WARNING','Warning');
- define('LA_WELCOME_1','Welcome to %1%');
- define('LA_WELCOME_2','To submit an ad, please <a href="member_login.php"><b>login</b></a>, or <a href="register.php"><b>register</b></a> for free today!');
- define('LA_WELCOME_MEMBER_1','您好 %1%. Welcome to your member area!');
- define('LA_WELCOME_MEMBER_2','You are now logged in as');
- define('LA_WELCOME_MEMBER_3','and can post new ads, edit your current ads, change your user info, preferences and much more.');
- define('LA_WHEN_FAV','When you want to bookmark an ad, click on Add Favorites when viewing the ad.');
- define('LA_WHEN_FAV_2','When you log in later, the link to these ads will be available from your control panel.');
- define('LA_WHY','Why should you use us for your ads ?<br />
- <ul>
- <li>Free posting of ads</li> <li>Control panel with easy access to add new ads</li><li>User statistics on ads</li></ul>');
- define('LA_YOURADS','My Items');
- define('LA_YOUR_ADS','Your ads');
- define('LA_YOU_HAVE_SELECTED','You have selected to buy our');
- define('LA_YOU_MUST','You must enter:');
- define('LOCATION_TEXT','Location');
- define('MODIFY','Modify');
- define('NEXT_ADS','Next');
- define('PICTURE_TEXT','Pic.');
- define('PREVIOUS_ADS','Prev');
- define('REGISTER','Register');
- define('REGISTERED_SITE','Added Successfully');
- define('REGISTERED_USER','Registered<p />You are now a registered user and you will receive an email with all the necessary information.<p />Userid: %1%<br />密码: %2%<p />');
- define('SOLD_BY_TEXT','Sold by');
- define('SUBJECTFIELD_EMAIL','PHP Classifieds - New user');
- define('SUBMIT_BUTTON','Register');
- define('TITLE','Title');
- define('UPDATED_SITE','Updated.');
- define('USERID_TEXT','Email address');
- define('WELCOM_MESSAGE_CHANGE','Change your registered user information details here.');
- define('WELCOM_MESSAGE_USER_REG','Register here for free. Please fill out all fields. (Data in indicated fields will appear in your ads.)');
- define('LA_FAV_EXPLAINED','Here you can view your favorites (bookmarks). If you find an ad you like, just press the Add to my favorites link in the ad-footer, and it will appear here..');
- define('LA_WELCOME_LOGGED_1','Welcome %1%!');
- define('LA_WELCOME_LOGGED_2','You are logged in. To submit an ad, please go to <a href="member.php">member area</a>.');
- define('LA_ISURL','External Url');
- define('LA_ALL','All');
- define('LA_ADVERTISE_DE','Description');
- define('LA_HELP_DE','Description');
- define('LA_MEMBER_EXTRA','Ad Extra');
- define('LA_MEMBER_EXTRA_INFO','If you have purchased extra promotion package, you may here deside what ads to use these credits.');
- define('LA_MEMBER_MAKE_BOLD','Make bold');
- define('LA_MEMBER_MAKE_PREM','Make premium');
- define('LA_MEMBER_MAKE_BOLD_DONE','Ad is now in Bold font type');
- define('LA_MEMBER_MAKE_PREM_DONE','Ad is marked as premium');
- define('LA_MEMBER_IS_BOLD','(is bold)');
- define('LA_MEMBER_IS_PREM','(is premium)');
- define('LA_SELLER_INFO','Info about member');
- define('LA_COMMENT','Comments');
- define('LA_FEEDBACK','Feedback');
- define('LA_COMMENT_ADD','Add comment');
- define('LA_COMMENT_YOUR','Your comment:');
- define('LA_BY','by');
- define('LA_COMMENT_RECORDED','Your comment was successfully added!');
- define('LA_COMMENT_QUESTION','Do you have any comments?');
- define('LA_COMMENT_QUESTION2','You may add it after you <a href="member_login.php">login</a>');
- define('LA_YOU_MUST_URL','If you typed a URL, include <b>http://</b> in front');
- define('LA_SORT_BY','Sort direction');
- define('LA_MAIL_VAL_SUBJECT','Welcome to %4% %1%!');
- define('LA_MAIL_VAL_BODY','Thanks for joining us!<br /><br />Before you can log into your account, you must verify your registration by clicking the link below:<br /><br />%7%<br /><br />After this, you can sign in using these details:<br /><br />Username:<br />%2%<br /><br />密码:<br />%3%<br /><br />Regards,<br />%4%<br /><br />Sent from computer IP: %5%');
- define('LA_MAIL_NEWUSER_SUBJECT','Welcome to %4% %1%!');
- define('LA_MAIL_NEWUSER_BODY','You are now a registered member and may submit your own ads.<br /><br />Please log in at:<br />%6%<br /><br />Username:<br />%2%<br /><br />密码:<br />%3%<br /><br />Regards,<br />%4%<br /><br />Sent from computer IP: %5%');
- define('LA_MAIL_APPROVE_AD_SUBJECT','Your ad is approved');
- define('LA_MAIL_APPROVE_AD_BODY','Your Ad with title %8% is now approved. You may view it at the following url:<br /><br />%7%<br /><br />Regards,<br />%4%');
- define('LA_REGION','Region');
- define('LA_REGION_CHOOSE_FIRST','-- Choose region --');
- define('LA_MAIL_WATCHNOT_SUBJECT','Notify: New item in one of your subscribed categories');
- define('LA_MAIL_WATCHNOT_BODY','Hi %1%. <br /><br />You have selected to be notified about ads in the %8% category and there has just been submitted one.<br /><br />%9%<br />%7%<br /><br />Regards, <br />%4%');
- define('LA_MAIL_CONTACT_BODY','Hi %1%!<br /><br />%9% has sent the following message to you:<br /><br />--------------------<br />%11%<br />--------------------<br /><br />%8%<br />%7%<br /><br />To reply, contact %9% at emailaddress %10%.<br /><br />Regards,<br />%4%<br /><br />Sent from computer IP: %5%');
- define('LA_MAIL_CONTACT_SUBJECT','Message from member');
- define('LA_MAIL_TELLAFRIEND_SUBJECT','A tip from a friend about an ad');
- define('LA_MAIL_TELLAFRIEND_BODY','A user with emailaddress %8% wanted to tell you about this ad:<br /><br />%7%<br />%6%<br /><br />Message from the sender (if any):<br />%9%<br /><br />Regards,<br />%4%<br /><br />Sent from computer IP: %5%');
- define('LA_MAIL_COMMENT_SUBJECT','New comment on ad');
- define('LA_MAIL_COMMENT_BODY','Hi %1%<br /><br />The user %8% with emailaddress %9% has just left a new comment on your ad with title %7%.<br /><br />You can see the comment here:<br />%6%<br /><br />Regards,<br />%4%<br /><br />Sent from computer IP: %5%');
- define('LA_MARKED_AS_MAIN','This is currently the main image');
- define('LA_MARK_AS_MAIN','Mark this as Main image');
- define('LA_MAIL_APPROVE_MEM_SUBJECT','您好 %1%');
- define('LA_MAIL_APPROVE_MEM_BODY','We have just approved you as member of this site and you can now login using this url:<br /><br />%6%<br /><br />Login using your username, %2%, and the password you selected when you signed up.<br /><br />Regards,<br />%4%');
- define('LA_RESEND_VALIDATION_CODE','Click link below to have the validation code resent.<br />If you still do not recieve it after this, please
- check your local spam filter or contact your mail vendor. ');
- define('LA_RESEND_VALIDATION_MORE','Resend validation code');
- define('LA_VALIDATION_CODE_RESENT','Validation code is resent');
- define('LA_SORT','Sort by');
- define('LA_NO_TEXT','Admin: No text choosen');
- ?>
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