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The new ZoneEdit is coming!

发表于 2010 年 8 月 12 日 17:12:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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We’re making some long-overdue improvements to ZoneEdit this fall. Our goal is to improve the interface and add functionality while maintaining the simplicity and ease-of-use that has made ZoneEdit popular.

One of the primary changes affecting free users is that the number of free zones allowed will be reduced from 5 to 2. However, all users that have ever purchased a credit will maintain their 5 free zones, so the easy solution if you'd like to keep your free zones and have valued your ZoneEdit service is to purchase at least 1 credit ($10.95 per credit) before the transition to keep all 5 free zones.

Please Note:
Free users that don't purchase a credit prior to migration won't have their free zones beyond the first two immediately deleted, but will instead have those zones marked as requiring payment whenever their next renewal date comes up. We don't have a finalized date for these changes yet, but expect the new site to launch towards the end of August or September.

Here’s what to expect in coming months:

A complete website and interface update

The website and account management interface will be modernized
Site speed will be much faster
Layout and functionality will be simplified and more intuitive
Broken processes will be repaired
Credit and Pricing Updates

Instead of credits being utilized on an annual basis, the new system will be monthly
Instead of $10.95 for a credit that gives one year of service, a credit will be $1 and give one month of service
Essentially, what is now 1 credit will be broken into 12 credits over the course of the year
Bulk pricing for credit purchases will be available similar to the current system
Current customers with unused credits remaining in their account will have their credits multiplied by 12 during migration to maintain the same relative account balance
The new interface will include credit usage estimates to make purchasing the correct amount simple
Free Service Changes

All accounts that have ever purchased a credit will be grandfathered into the new system and maintain their 5 free zones
New accounts will only receive 2 free zones instead of 5
Current accounts that are free and have never purchased a credit will be downgraded from 5 to 2 free zones
NOTE: If you have only used free services and want to maintain your 5 free zones in the new system there's a simple solution: buy at least one credit before the migration and you'll keep all 5 free zones
New Features

Enhanced IPv6 Support
Over 10 new or enhanced record types including SRV, KEY, LOC, SPF, TXT, and more
Simplified account creation and management
A logout button!
A User Forum

The forum will launch shortly after the website relaunch
Customers will have the opportunity to discuss DNS, ask support-related questions, and interact with other ZoneEdit users
Terms of Service Update

The updated terms of service available at http://zoneedit.com/doc/policy-08272010.html reflects the above changes as well as minor service agreement updates
Feel free to tell your tech-oriented friends about ZoneEdit and share these exciting changes with them. A decade without major updates is a lifetime in the online world, and we’re not taking these changes lightly; we want to make sure we get them right. These updates are just the beginning of what will be an ongoing process of improvement and addition of new features!

To comment on these changes, visit: http://update.zoneedit.com and if you ever have general feedback, feel free to find us on Twitter @ZoneEdit


The ZoneEdit Team

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ZoneEdit - 8100 NE Parkway Dr., Vancouver, WA, United States  
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发表于 2010 年 8 月 12 日 21:54:32 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010 年 8 月 15 日 17:21:42 | 显示全部楼层
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