Opera是来自挪威的一个极为出色的网络浏览套件,具有速度快、节省系统资源、定制能力强、安全性高以及体积小等特点,目前已经是广受欢迎的浏览器之一。多文档接 口 (MDI)、方便的缩放功能、整合搜索引擎、快捷键与鼠标手势、浏览历史记忆、防止恶意弹出窗口、全屏模式、对 HTML 标准的支持、整合电子邮件与新闻群组以及让用户自定义按钮、皮肤、工具栏等等,都使 Opera 多年来倍受喜爱。
Speed Dial
* Added a button to configure Speed Dial
* Added the ability to set the number of Speed Dial columns (automatic by default)
* Speed Dial can now be zoomed
* New dialog when adding/editing Speed Dials
* It is now possible to add a custom title to Speed Dials, through the new add/edit dialog
* Support for phrase searching
* Improved CJK searches
* Fixes to the panel, including a setting to disable automatic toggling
* Added support for CSS3 multi-column layout
Known issues
* Crash on startup when combining a master password with Opera Link
* The Speed Dial configuration button can disappear outside the window
* Speed Dial synchronization is disabled for now
* Address bar not focused when starting Opera with extensions
* Tabs opened by extensions open to the left instead of the right
* Using the Content Blocker while logged in to Opera Link can cause a crash
* Ctrl+Shift+V opening in a new background tab
* Slightly older skin
* Mac: No HTML5 media playback
* Mac: International font settings are not remembered
* Mac: Broken Cyrillic local paths
* Linux/FreeBSD: Multi problems with plugins. We suggest you temporarily disable them via "
references > Advanced > Content" or you will have crashes and disappearing tabs
* Linux/FreeBSD: Cannot copy text from certain applications on 64bit
* Linux/FreeBSD: Workspace is incorrect with the X11 toolkit
* Linux/FreeBSD: Tooltips re-appear and remain after clicking on the Opera sys tray icon twice
* Linux/FreeBSD: Opera crashes on exit after hiding to systray, whilst a dialog is displayed
下载:Opera 11.10 Build 2020 Snapshot for Windows
(11.1 MB)
下载:Opera 11.10 Build 2020 Snapshot for Linux
(11.1 MB)
下载:Opera 11.10 Build 2020 Snapshot for MacOS
(11.1 MB)