您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有账号?注册
Free Account web domains, or y0.pl c0.pl ;
e-mail accounts ;
Support your domain! (Eg kowalski.pl) - if you have your own domain name, you can stick with us!
Your domain will be fully functional - DNS, mail or web;
25 mailboxes and aliases;
Unlimited FTP 帐户数;
unlimited number of subdomains;
MySQL database without any limit on the volume!
Unlimited 月流量 ;
up to 1 GB of space on your page! ;
2 GB of mailboxes ;
PHP 5.2;
mode safe mode disabled;
feature to mail () ;
SQLite database;
access . htaccess ;
Detailed stats;
Automatic and instant account activation;
comprehensive and functional system to manage your account (example screenshot) ;
scripts with automatic installation;
Web-mail interface;
interface for sending files to the server (also available plain FTP);
possibility to define alias catchall , where all emails sent to your domain go to one mailbox;
can define custom error pages;
Support for the user on the forum;
Maximum file size - 6 MB.