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[转贴] 玩家級軟體移除工具-Revo Uninstaller Free 1.92 免安裝中文版

发表于 2011 年 10 月 30 日 18:02:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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玩家級軟體移除工具 - Revo Uninstaller,「獵人模式」是它有別於一般程式移除工具的功能

Revo Uninstaller Pro可幫助您卸載並刪除有害程序的軟件安裝在電腦上輕鬆!

Revo Uninstaller是一個更快,更強大的替代為“Windows添加或刪除程序“小程序!它具有非常強大的功能來卸載和刪除程序。


刪除程序容易 憑藉其先進,快速算法,Revo專業卸載程序分析應用程序的數據,然後再卸載和掃描卸載後遺留的一個程序。
Revo Uninstaller Pro為您提供一些簡單的,容易使用,功能強大而有效的方法和卸載軟件,如跟踪程序在其安裝。

Revo Uninstaller Pro有一個非常強大的功能,稱為強制卸載。

要刪除一個程序完整,沒有留下一點痕跡,您可以監視所有系統的安裝過程中所做的更改,然後利用這些信息來卸載它只要按一下只有 -簡單,容易!

Revo Uninstaller Pro

Revo Uninstaller Pro helps you to uninstall software and removeunwanted programs installed on your computer easily! Even if you haveproblems uninstalling and cannot uninstall them from "Windows Add orRemove Programs" control panel applet.

Revo Uninstaller is amuch faster and more powerful alternative to "Windows Add or RemovePrograms" applet! It has very powerful features to uninstall and removeprograms.

No more stubborn programs
No more installation errors
No more upgrade problems
Remove programs easily
With its advanced and fast algorithms, Revo Uninstaller Pro analyzes anapplication's data before uninstall and scans for remnants after theuninstall of a program. After the program's regular uninstaller runs,you can remove additional unnecessary files, folders and registry keysthat are usually left over on your computer. Revo Uninstaller Prooffers you some simple, easy to use, but effective and powerful methodsfor uninstalling software like tracing the program during itsinstallation.

Revo Uninstaller Pro has a very powerful featurecalled Forced Uninstall. Forced Uninstall is the best solution when youhave to remove stubborn programs, partially installed programs,partially uninstalled programs, and programs not listed as installed atall!

To remove a program completely, and without leaving atrace, you can monitor all system changes made during its installation,and then use that information to uninstall it with one click only –simple and easy!

級軟體移除工具-Revo Uninstaller Free 1.92 免安裝中文版下載網址:

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