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URL Snooper 分析出那些隐藏在SMIL背后的文件真实地址 v2.30.01 绿色版

发表于 2011 年 11 月 9 日 17:58:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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软件名称:URL Snooper  分析出那些隐藏在SMIL背后的文件真实地址  v2.30.01 绿色版
软件类型:绿色软件 / 浏览辅助
运行环境:Win2003, WinXP, Win2000, Win7


          URL Snooper 一个非常非常棒的软件,它可以分析出那些隐藏在 SMIL 背后的 RM 文件的真实地址,当然 ASF 文件也照杀!再配合 Streambox 等软件,很多本来只能眼睁睁看着不能下载的流式文件现在可以手到擒来了!这个是最新版本,同样需要安装 WinPcap 来驱动! An application created to help users locate the urls of audio and video files so that they can be recordedURL Snooper is an application created to help users locate the urls of audio and video files so that they can be recorded.Many links to streaming audio and video that you come across on the web are hidden behind javascript or activex scripts. Because of this, it is sometimes very difficult to figure out the actual urls that correspond to the streams being played. URL Snooper provides easy solution to finding the URLs for all streams by by watching network traffic and identifying potential urls, especially streaming media urls.  
软件下载:下载URL Snooper  分析出那些隐藏在SMIL背后的文件真实地址  v2.30.01 绿色版
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