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最近,不少人认为Nokia Lumia 800 在英国热销,与英国电信服务商Orange推出的购Lumia 800 送 Xbox360有关,但经笔者查证,并非如此。
- i7 e" i- l0 {8 S以下下为查证的内容。2 u2 j& d8 a7 h4 E! @2 A
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http://www1.orange.co.uk/mobilet ... -terms-20111026.pdf
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+ B' X8 Q+ \2 x4 T这是Orange的Nokia 800送Xbox360条款PDF,原文及翻译如下- [: m! ]5 o! F: |1 k. m+ V. B
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Xbox 360 Offer: If you’re an Orange pay monthly mobile customer on an existing 12, 18 or 24 month plan and you’re eligible to upgrade we’ll give you a free Xbox 360 if you upgrade to a Nokia Lumia 800 handset on an 18 or 24 month Animal plan. This offer opens on 16 November and closes on 30 November.* _: i/ N5 v- \" ~$ t7 }3 Z% w! x3 [, m
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如果你是一个还在12个月、18个月或者24个月计划之中的月付费用户,并且适合升级条件,我们将在你升级为18或者24个月的动物套餐后,给你一台免费的Xbox 360。这个计划于11月16日开始,并将于30日结束。
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* T/ t' R) S, a, s+ Z5 E$ w6 _If you are eligible for this offer, you can pre-register your interest in the Nokia Lumia 800 on-line at www.orange.co.uk/nokia800, or pre-order it in an Orange store, from 26 October. When pre-ordering the handset, you’ll need to pay a £10 deposit. If you successfully pre-register your details, or pre-order a handset, we may reserve an Xbox 360 for you until 30 November. If you pre-registered, you’ll need to upgrade online or in an Orange store; if you pre-order you’ll need to upgrade in the same Orange store you paid your deposit in before 30 November, or any Xbox 360 we may have reserved for you may be offered to other customers." T8 r# T% H7 L$ {, G! j0 @2 L
) L+ ^& d( f# k R如果你符合条件,你可以于十月26日开始,在 www.orange.co.uk/nokia800 上预先注册,或在Orange商店预订。一旦预订,你需要支付10英镑的订金。如果你在11月30日之前成功注册,或预订这个设备,我们将给一台Xbox 360。如果你是预先注册,你需要在Orange商店杂线升级一下。如果是预订,你也需要在商店升级一下。定金需要在11月30日之前缴纳,否则为你预订的Xbox 360 可能配送给别的用户。, M/ ^" r: \7 G. r8 T# {4 R
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Your Xbox 360 will be shipped within 30 days of upgrading. If you return your new Nokia Lumia 800 or exchange it for another handset you’ll also need to return the Xbox 360 in pristine condition. Our returns policy will apply, check it out orange.co.uk/terms.4 U; R0 |' v1 u1 R* A; f2 v! n/ y+ W
# _) ?% X' W" L) M: u& f4 g你的Xbox 360 将在升级之后30天内送达。如果你退回了Lumia 800 或者换成了别的手机,你必须退回Xbox 360。我们的退货政策将生效,详情请看 orange.co.uk/terms |