楼主 |
发表于 2006 年 5 月 26 日 03:08:41
Dim Conn, ConnStr, db, PE_True, PE_False, PE_Now
Dim SqlDatabaseName, SqlPassword, SqlUsername, SqlHostIP
Dim SiteName, SiteTitle, SiteUrl, InstallDir, LogoUrl, WebmasterName, WebmasterEmail, SiteKey
Dim AdminDir, ShowSiteChannel, objName_FSO, FileExt_SiteIndex, FileExt_SiteSpecial
Dim PresentExpPerLogin
Dim EnableUserReg, RegFields_MustFill, EnableCheckCodeOfLogin
Dim RssCodeType
Dim LockIP, LockIPType
Dim UserTrueIP
Dim AllModules, PointName, PointUnit
Const CMS_Edition = 0 '0--普及版 1--标准版 2--专业版 3--企业版
Const eShop_Edition = -1 '0--普及版 1--标准版 2--专业版 3--企业版
Const CRM_Edition = 0 '0--普及版 1--标准版 2--专业版 3--企业版
Const SystemDatabaseType = "ACCESS" '系统数据库类型,"SQL"为MS SQL2000数据库,"ACCESS"为MS ACCESS 2000数据库,免费版只能使用ACCESS数据库
db = "\PE2006\database\PowerEasy2006.mdb" 'ACCESS数据库的文件名,请使用相对于网站根目录的的绝对路径
SqlUsername = "PowerEasy" 'SQL数据库用户名
SqlPassword = "PowerEasy*9988" 'SQL数据库用户密码
SqlDatabaseName = "PowerEasy2006" 'SQL数据库名
SqlHostIP = "" 'SQL主机IP地址(本地可用“”或“(local)”,非本机请用真实IP)
Call OpenConn
Call GetSiteConfig
Call IsIPlock
Sub OpenConn()
On Error Resume Next
If SystemDatabaseType = "SQL" Then
ConnStr = "Provider = Sqloledb; User ID = " & SqlUsername & "; Password = " & SqlPassword & "; Initial Catalog = " & SqlDatabaseName & "; Data Source = " & SqlHostIP & ";"
ConnStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath(db)
End If
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.open ConnStr
If Err Then
Set Conn = Nothing
Response.Write "数据库连接出错,请检查Conn.asp文件中的数据库参数设置。"
End If
If SystemDatabaseType = "SQL" Then
PE_True = "1"
PE_False = "0"
PE_Now = "getdate()"
PE_True = "True"
PE_False = "False"
PE_Now = "Now()"
End If
End Sub
Sub CloseConn()
On Error Resume Next
If IsObject(Conn) Then
Set Conn = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Sub GetSiteConfig()
Dim rsConfig
Set rsConfig = Conn.Execute("select * from PE_Config")
If rsConfig.BOF And rsConfig.EOF Then
Set rsConfig = Nothing
Response.Write "网站配置数据丢失!系统无法正常运行!"
SiteName = rsConfig("SiteName")
SiteTitle = rsConfig("SiteTitle")
SiteUrl = rsConfig("SiteUrl")
InstallDir = rsConfig("InstallDir")
LogoUrl = rsConfig("LogoUrl")
WebmasterName = rsConfig("WebmasterName")
WebmasterEmail = rsConfig("WebmasterEmail")
SiteKey = rsConfig("SiteKey")
AdminDir = rsConfig("AdminDir")
ShowSiteChannel = rsConfig("ShowSiteChannel")
objName_FSO = rsConfig("objName_FSO")
FileExt_SiteIndex = rsConfig("FileExt_SiteIndex")
FileExt_SiteSpecial = rsConfig("FileExt_SiteSpecial")
EnableUserReg = rsConfig("EnableUserReg")
RegFields_MustFill = rsConfig("RegFields_MustFill")
AllModules = rsConfig("Modules")
PointName = rsConfig("PointName")
PointUnit = rsConfig("PointUnit")
RssCodeType = rsConfig("RssCodeType")
LockIP = rsConfig("LockIP")
LockIPType = rsConfig("LockIPType")
EnableCheckCodeOfLogin = rsConfig("EnableCheckCodeOfLogin")
PresentExpPerLogin = rsConfig("PresentExpPerLogin")
End If
Set rsConfig = Nothing
Application("SiteKey") = SiteKey
Application("objName_FSO") = objName_FSO
End Sub
Sub IsIPlock()
UserTrueIP = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")
If UserTrueIP = "" Then UserTrueIP = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
If session("IPlock") = "" Then
session("IPlock") = ChecKIPlock(LockIPType, LockIP, UserTrueIP)
End If
If session("IPlock") = True Then
Response.Write "对不起!您的IP(" & UserTrueIP & ")被系统限定。您可以和站长联系。"
End If
End Sub
Function EncodeIP(Sip)
Dim strIP
strIP = Split(Sip, ".")
If UBound(strIP) < 3 Then
EncodeIP = 0
Exit Function
End If
If IsNumeric(strIP(0)) = 0 Or IsNumeric(strIP(1)) = 0 Or IsNumeric(strIP(2)) = 0 Or IsNumeric(strIP(3)) = 0 Then
Sip = 0
Sip = CInt(strIP(0)) * 256 * 256 * 256 + CInt(strIP(1)) * 256 * 256 + CInt(strIP(2)) * 256 + CInt(strIP(3)) - 1
End If
EncodeIP = Sip
End Function
Function ChecKIPlock(ByVal sLockType, ByVal sLockList, ByVal sUserIP)
Dim IPlock, rsLockIP
Dim arrLockIPW, arrLockIPB, arrLockIPWCut, arrLockIPBCut
IPlock = False
ChecKIPlock = IPlock
Dim i, sKillIP
If sLockType = "" Or IsNull(sLockType) Then Exit Function
If sLockList = "" Or IsNull(sLockList) Then Exit Function
If sUserIP = "" Or IsNull(sUserIP) Then Exit Function
sUserIP = EncodeIP(sUserIP)
rsLockIP = Split(sLockList, "|||")
If sLockType = 4 Then
arrLockIPB = Split(Trim(rsLockIP(1)), "$$$")
For i = 0 To UBound(arrLockIPB)
If arrLockIPB(i) <> "" Then
arrLockIPBCut = Split(Trim(arrLockIPB(i)), "----")
IPlock = True
If arrLockIPBCut(0) > sUserIP And sUserIP > arrLockIPBCut(1) Then IPlock = False
If IPlock Then Exit For
End If
If IPlock = True Then
arrLockIPW = Split(Trim(rsLockIP(0)), "$$$")
For i = 0 To UBound(arrLockIPW)
If arrLockIPW(i) <> "" Then
arrLockIPWCut = Split(Trim(arrLockIPW(i)), "----")
IPlock = True
If arrLockIPWCut(0) <= sUserIP And sUserIP <= arrLockIPWCut(1) Then IPlock = False
If IPlock Then Exit For
End If
End If
If sLockType = 1 Or sLockType = 3 Then
arrLockIPW = Split(Trim(rsLockIP(0)), "$$$")
For i = 0 To UBound(arrLockIPW)
If arrLockIPW(i) <> "" Then
arrLockIPWCut = Split(Trim(arrLockIPW(i)), "----")
IPlock = True
If arrLockIPWCut(0) <= sUserIP And sUserIP <= arrLockIPWCut(1) Then IPlock = False
If IPlock Then Exit For
End If
End If
If IPlock = False And (sLockType = 2 Or sLockType = 3) Then
arrLockIPB = Split(Trim(rsLockIP(1)), "$$$")
For i = 0 To UBound(arrLockIPB)
If arrLockIPB(i) <> "" Then
arrLockIPBCut = Split(Trim(arrLockIPB(i)), "----")
IPlock = True
If arrLockIPBCut(0) > sUserIP And sUserIP > arrLockIPBCut(1) Then IPlock = False
If IPlock Then Exit For
End If
End If
End If
ChecKIPlock = IPlock
End Function
%> |