发表于 2008 年 11 月 4 日 15:41:38
原帖由 长天 于 2008-11-4 14:45 发表
Dear jelly:
Thank you very much for choosing Globat.com as your
Web hosting and E-commerce provider. Globat.com is the
world leader in performance web hosting. We will work very
hard to ensure your total satisfaction. This email confirms that
we have received your order and are processing it right now.
Please note that this email does NOT contain your account
information. For security purposes our billing team might
call the phone number you provided to verify your order.
If you elected to pay by credit card or echeck you will
receive our "welcome email", containing your account login,
username, and password within the next 24 hours. This
"welcome email" will confirm that your new hosting account
is active and setup on the Globat.com network.
If you elected to pay using PayPal, please note that your
account setup will be delayed until we receive your payment |